Receive personal guidance and credit for your military experience at Excelsior College.
For over 40 years, Excelsior College has helped more than 72,000 military servicemembers and veterans earn the degrees they need for promotion in the military or to transition into a civilian career. We understand you may require extensions or other allowances, especially when juggling training or deployments. Our practical online courses, flexible credit options, and academic services will empower you to succeed.
We recognize the training and experience you have put into service and we accept that for credit toward your degree — and this helps you complete your degree sooner.
Want to make the most of your National Guard training and prior coursework in a degree program that's aligned with your career goals?
If so, request your unofficial transcript review with an advisor in the Center for Military and Veteran Education.
Your advisor can tell you:
- How many credits your National Guard training is worth
- Which programs best match your interests and military experience
- How you can use your military tuition assistance
Receive your copy of 3 Easy Steps to Getting Your Transcript Evaluated by filling out this short form. An advisor will email you to help get you started on completing your degree.
If you have any questions, contact the Center for Military and Veteran Education at 877-542-4133 or email [email protected].