Someone thinks Excelsior College is a good fit for you.

For nearly 50 years, adult learners have turned to Excelsior for flexible learning options that work for their busy lives.


“Why do I like Excelsior so much? Because Excelsior liked me even more.”

  Danny L. Scott
  Associate in Science, 2001
  Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, 2002

Danny Scott tells anyone and everyone about Excelsior College. It took him 18 years to earn his associate degree, having been in the military and traveling a lot. He attended about a dozen colleges before finding Excelsior and having his credits aggregated. After earning his associate and bachelor’s degrees within nine months, he went directly on to earn a master’s degree.

Phasellus aliquet semper nunc ut blandit.

Ut sit amet nibh eget leo scelerisque ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent sagittis, mauris eu aliquam varius, augue risus consequat nisi, et maximus velit arcu in velit.

Duis non facilisis augue, sed auctor nisl. Cras vulputate ante at euismod scelerisque.


Excelsior is about you and what you can do.
Start on your degree today.